Skip to content : the sequel

2010 September 27

Last week I gave my presentation on the subject ‘social media, open innovation and geo-information’ at the GIS Conferentie. It went very well, thank you! So what is next?

The mashup has multiple purposes** . Among other reasons, I wanted to prove a point that social media and open innovation are a good mix and can produce valuable new products (or services).

What has happened since the launch of this mash up? Most importantly: the idea to map your LinkedIn connections is still spreading…. !!


–      More than 5,000 page views from over 2,600 unique visitors.
–      Lots of reactions, from all over the world. Too many to personally respond to (sorry about that, not my style!)
–      Lots of questions (what not use xyz technologies, why not use this platform, etc).
–      Very good feedback on possible new functions.
–      Very good feedback on privacy (note: the application does not save your connections, but you give access to them; just like you give LinkedIn access to all your online behavior).
–      The group that helped us at the alpha phase was very different from the beta phase. Sometimes their suggestions were just opposite (choice of map, choice of order of connections etc).

We* very much would like to get better geocoded data from LinkedIn (we need a change a the LinkedIn api for that) and also we would like to be able to map groups (at least for the moderators). Maybe a bit of analysis functions would be nice as well.

Co-developers for are very welcome, please email mapmyconnections at We* is the undersigned and the ‘devman’, my son Alexander. “We’ll be back!”

** from a previous post: Alexander wanted to apply his newly gained knowledge to something real. He is actively looking for an international internship and would love to visit a dev-conference. Jan Willem has always kept a keen eye on technology developments, especially in relation to the geospatial sector. We both appreciate the power of worldwide connections. But mostly, this a son-father vacation project.

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