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How to write a thesis (and graduate)

2010 October 16
by Jw
Mortarboard and Diploma

About one year ago, I was really into that. Quite an intensive period, from which I have not yet completely recovered (nor do I want to). Going back to school is not overrated and I can maybe recommend it, after a real serious conversation (you really gots to want it). Here are a few tips that worked for me.

It starts with having a real passion for asking questions and searching for an answer. You have to find a subject you are really, really interested in. Test that as well. If you’re not sure, don’t take that route. You’ll have to live with that subject for a while.

Not the most favorite subject in society in general, but you can learn a lot from failure. I looked around and tried to learn from others, who failed on this subject (writing a thesis and graduating). Simple rule: try not to disagree too much with your mentor.

Find time
You will need more time then you have available. I installed a few rules: read every train trip (to work), don’t work-work in the weekends, but study. I also gave up a few things: no tv (easy to give up), gaming (hard to give up), get up early in the weekends as well (I am blessed with needing not much sleep).

Social system
Doing research can be very egocentric. You will need all the support from family, friends, work and other ‘obligations’. It helps to make clear rules of engagement here. Without a supportive employer, this might not be successful endeavor. Towards graduation, you will have time to re-socialize…

Plan it and blog it
In the end, writing a thesis is all about planning as well. Just plan the whole process, the search time, the writing time. Finding a few very critical reviewers in various stages of the process will keep you on the right track. Re-read papers after a while, you might learn new insights. And don’t try to finish everything, leave open ends. And…and… Writing things down really helped me. Blog it.

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