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Tweetfest tijdens de GIS Conferentie 2009

2009 September 24
tags: ,
by Jw

twitterOf twitterfeed, zo u wilt. Meer omdat blogbijdragen worden bewaard en tweets verdwijnen naar de vergetelheid, sla ik hier mijn twitterverslag van de GIS Conferentie nog eens op. Twitterreporter of twitterazi?

Twitteren was weer een leuke ervaring, nieuwe mensen ontmoet en reacties van volgers. Ik volg geen bedrijven, max 10 personen en wissel ze regelmatig uit. Ik blijf dus doorgaan met Twitter tijdens events. Ik twitter meestal in het Engels, omdat ik denk dat de meesten in Nederland dat ook wel kunnen lezen en begrijpen en omdat ik zo geo wat meer internationaal op de kaart wil zetten. De hashsign was overigens #esrigc, gaat het #esrigt worden voor de GIS Tech?

(Dag 1) – 23 september
On my way to the GC, reading Howe’s Crowdsourcing. how appropriate
Coffee for the early birds, main hall still empty
Keynote Henk Scholten is prepping in the main hall
Having a chat with the editor of Geo-Info, time went fast since the GC08
GC starting with a movie, room is packed!
Intro by Ed van Ingen, MD ESRI Nederland; humbly welcomes friends of GIS; explains theme “GIS works!”
Ed invites the audience to make new connections, has problems getting everyone back in their seats
Henk Scholten takes the stage; talks about spatial thinking and spatial conscience
Henk makes a point: many processes in society are based on spatial thinking and acting, intrduces a model
Ends with an example of the analytical framework, demo Rijkswaterstaat at its best ; explains his book
Last example is about public safety and the Eagle initiative. lessons learned. a warm applause for Henk and Eduardo
Volgende spreker/next speaker is Frits volg hem live…
Frits presents the four patterns of GIS; applies them to the Dutch Ministery of Agriculture; 20% eff. increase by using mobile
F. introduces the resource center, prototypes, best practices, hosting of data; Frits moves on to more innovation examp.
Sharing geodata: the young generatation expects government data to be open and freely available. Frits expects a GIS explosion! inspiring!!
Time for the all important coffee break !!
Back in our seats; Enterprise GIS Award goes to Min. of Agriculure. Erica, Dienst Landelijk Gebied, : no policy without a map
Jeroen and Ernst, GIS technology gurus, look at the GIS explosion from a technology point of view
Jeroen explains other then geo standards, we need to connect to. demo of mash-ups with FlexViewer and widgets city of Almere
Jeroen explains ‘the cloud’ as related to ArcGIS online, demo by Ernst ArcGIS Explorer; coop with Royal Haskoning
E shows how to share data and add-ins; J explains how this idea came about. Challenges the audience to participate in ArcGIS online
J discusses twitter, linkedin, youtube/esritv as a way to share information and interests. points to ArcGIS Resource Centers
Ernst shows the ESRI Nederland Resurce Center; Dutch versions, add-ins, sample code, sample scripts.
Master J announces the enterprise GIS Lab, as a playground to advance GIS ; closes with a call to action to participate!
Time for a break; programme continous at 2 PM. lunch !
Back to the programme, attending the exec track
To tweet during the exec seems inappropriate, subject is government – business cooperation. short break
Back at the GIS expo, at the defense booth
Reception at the GIS Expo (mostly water)…
GC event is closing for today, now an ESRI only event (‘ouderavond’), lots of GIS kids… last tweet for today

(dag 2 – 24 september)
Backonline: intro movie just finished. had a great coffee conversation about geo standards
Ed : bring knowledge, share knowledge, make GIS work. resource center and ArcGIS online
Keynote Arnold Bregt talks about ‘GIS at work’, looks back at the last five years of geo-information in the Netherlands
Bregt: Geo is now better organised, national infrastructure GIDEON, GIS is much better known in our society. geosciences score too
Looking ahead: not just about what is where (and why there), but ‘when’ will be more important (Sensorwebs)
Bregt closes with a call to action related to promoting geo to students GoGeo
Next is Bert Vermeij, will show how to make GIS work. A veteran of the GC, starts with a video ‘what doesn’t work’
Shows heaps of examples where GIS is working; live demo of Mapsup and DHV’s GeoValue. ‘not a gadget, make better plan decisions
DHV’s Bujar owns the crowd, uses paint and brush on the Mapsup table to plan a new area; all integrated in ESRI’s ArcGIS
Bert closes: make geo knowledge (and services) available to society. let citizens decide what they want to see. break!
Discussing ‘ruimte voor de rivier’ in the ArcGIS pavillion (space for the river) with CSO
Working with the jury of the MapGallery (next to Mashup pavilion), we have a winner!
Just had a great demo of the SDI suite used for INSPIRE, and the Map Gallery award goes to….
great chat about Eagle, GIS and Public Safety . Finishing up, final goodbyes, see you!

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