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A social media jungle out there. My #LinkedIn rulez!

2010 September 24

Been meaning to post this for a while, so here we go: in my opinion, everyone is entitled to use social media the way they want to (…).When I joined LinkedIn on July 15, 2006 (find that date on the top-right on your settings page), I recall experimenting with ‘new connections’ for a while. But after that, I settled for these few guideliness. 

–      I see LinkedIn as a social, but professional network.  I hardly spend “offical office time” (whatever that is) on LinkedIn, only to quickly send someone a message.

–      My basic rule for connections is: people I have met or will meet in a short time.

–      If connections start posting too much privat messages, I will take them out of my Network Activitiy list.

–      I like the “people you may know” box: mostly I invite people from that list.

–      I take a peek at a someone’s profile before a meeting, actually I expect others to do so as well with my profile.

–      I don’t often invite colleagues, since I hope to meet them instead. I don’t decline customers, because it is very likely we will meet (or have met).

Recently I received invites from people who have tested (a great thanks for that). But please don’t be offended when I do not accept your invite. I think a network should be more then the exchange of an email or two.

And then again, I make execptions to these guidelines all the time. That’s why they are called guidelines, not rules. Sometimes those connections form the most interesting relationships. Maybe this post helps you in the social media jungle! I posted my  Twitter rules as well, a while ago.

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