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Geo-information for the next generation?

2010 December 21

As mentioned before, I presented at the 100th birthday of my alma mater college and wrote a small contribution about it for Directions Magazine. One of the points I wanted to make was to introduce a formal certification programme  for geoprofessionals in the Netherlands. Apart from GISP we have seen good examples in other engineering professions and I kind-of remember a EU initiative in this direction. When I visited Belgium recently, we were told that surveyors need to earn points (by attending classes, events) every year, in order for them to keep their surveying license.

I think that certification, in general, is a good thing. I helps employers and employees to get a common understanding of a knowledge level. Esri has started an initiative in this direction, I am curious how this will work out. But let’s not confuse a cerfication with a degree. College and university programmes have a different purpose in our society. I did not want to ‘just bring up a suggestion”, I will bring it up in one of the upcoming meetings of the advisory board. This college has a strong knowledge base and we should be able to contributie to such a programme. Keep you posted.

[slideshare id=5681973&doc=geoinformatievoordenieuwegeneratie-12889931849382-phpapp01]

(will translate the text when I get enough requests..)

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