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2000th #tweet in the #Twitter universe

2013 February 22
by Jw

A tweet a day keeps the doctor away

Says my twitter account and I’ve lined up a few thoughts for the occasion, my two cents on Twitter. Just like at the 1000-mark, it is not much of an accomplishment, but it is a moment for reflection anyhow. How has my use of Twitter evolved? Twitter is still mostly a way to share, reshare, point out, a daily thought. A tool for personal expression and free thoughts (or thoughts for free if you will).

And some days I have none to share.


  • I follow only a few connections. I do not to understand the reciprocity (I follow you, so you follow me) on Twitter. Klout scores aside,  how can you follow even 100 “connections”? (my guess is you don’t).
  • At times I react to strangers, or they react to me, without much effect. The stronger the social tie, the more likely a real response seems to be. But that response usually comes to me via a different medium (e.g. email or a real conversation).
  • I don’t tweet with colleagues (as a mention).  Just believe meeting up irl is so much more handy & appropriate.
  • Spelling and grammer: I do not correct my spelling errurs. It comes with the medium and “Imperfections lead to interesting stuff” (by @Tom_Peters).
  • The tweets I really like, get retweeted. ”. Sometimes I actually do add “Like” or “Toll” (meaning great in German).
  • I do use Twitter to monitor (lurk if you will) other tweets, I follow a few hashtags (e.g. #geonl #openinnovation #opendata #esri) and use those to send out messages at times as well.
  • Sometimes I do plan ahead for a certain tweet, just for the heck of it. I might just send out a tweet while on an airplane.


Free thoughts for sale. Thanks, I’ll buy that!

Who am I, on Twitter? My original bio has not changed much (just changed ESRI to Esri, what’s in a capital?). I tweet mostly about “professional” related topics. And of course it is a balance between benevolent self-promotion and sharing what easily can be shared (whether reading that is useful to others or not.).

I am still working on my master formula for using Twitter and it will likely involve variables like share, reshare, fun, real conversation, invested effort (close to none). For the occasion, I made a twitter map of the world (in five minutes). Who in the world would ever use the word twitter, tweet or tweep in a tweet? BTW my first tweet, dated at 2009-05-25 15:35:52: “on my way home from work and thinking about what to do with twitter”.



Keep on tweeting…



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